Open Ctrl-O, F3
Opens an existing database. You can open multiple databases at once.
If the database is already open, CDBF will bring its window up.
Recent files
Shows the list of recently opened files.
Close Ctrl-W
Closes an opened database.
Create Ctrl-N, Ctrl-F3
Creates a new database.
Modify structure Ctrl-F4
Modify structure of an opened database.
Refresh Ctrl-R
Checks record count, repaints main window, re-filters and re-sorts the database.
Save as
It works like "Export", but it uses default settings and asks you nothing.
It allows you to save a current database in differents formats quickly.
Fields Info Shift-F2
Shows information about fields of the database and allows you to edit headers of columns (aliases).
Database Info Alt-F2
Shows information about current database.
Save setup Shift-F9
Saves setting of columns, calculated fields and modes of the database: aliases, reverse mode