Cut Ctrl-X
Deletes currently selected cells from the database and moves them to the clipboard.
You can paste them in other locations, in another file or in another program.
Copy Ctrl-C
Copies currently selected cells to the clipboard. You can paste them in other locations, in another file or in another program.
Paste Ctrl-V
Pastes data from the clipboard into the database.
Delete Ctrl-Del
Deletes currently selected cells.
Find Ctrl-F, F7
Search database for a text string. The search is performed in the direction specified. If the string is not found, a message is displayed. For more information please see the Find dialog help section.
Next find Alt-F7, Shift-F7
Repeat the last find.
Find and Replace Ctrl-F7
Search database for a text string and replace it with another text string. For more information, please see the Replace dialog help section.
Go record Ctrl-G
Moves the cursor to the specified record.
Go field Alt-F5
Moves the cursor to the specified field.
Copy record Ctrl-[
Copy the current record to the clipboard.
Paste record Ctrl-]
Paste record from the clipboard into the database. You can insert it as a new record or overwrite the current record.
Auto fill
Allows you to fill with information specified fields automatically when you add a new record or edit an existing record.