Common parameters
/OVERWRITE=1 | Overwrite existing file. |
/OVERWRITE=0 | Do not overwrite existing file. (Append to existing file). |
/ASIS | Codepage as is. |
/ANSI | Convert to ANSI codepage. |
/OEM | Convert to OEM codepage. |
/OPEN=1 | Open the output file after conversion. |
/OPEN=0 | Do not open the output file after conversion. |
/BATCH | Batch mode. The program does not ask any questions (if possible). |
/SILENT | Batch mode. The program does not display any windows. |
/WAIT | Do not close the program at the end. (Wait on the finish page). |
/LOG | Create a log file in a common repository for application-specific data. A typical path is C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data. |
/STATUS /STATUS=filename.ext | Create a text file with a current status (Conversion In Progress, Successful, Failed, Cancelled etc). By default: %Program dir%\status.log |
CSV/XLS specific parameters
Drive:\Path\FileName.xls | Source XLS file |
Drive:\Path\FileName.csv | Target CSV file |
Drive:\Path\ | Target CSV folder |
/RECORDS=0 | Do not export records of the table. |
/REMCRLF=1 | Remove CR+LF in Memo fields. |
/REMCRLF=0 | Do not remove CR+LF in Memo fields. |
/ESCAPE=????? | Escape character before a single or a double quote. Examples: /ESCAPE=# "/ESCAPE="" |
/QUOTES=1 | Conclude character and memo fields in double quotes. |
/QUOTES=0 | Do not conclude character and memo fields in double quotes. |
/FIELDS=? | Delimiter between fields. Example: /FIELDS=;
Special values: |
/RECORDS=? | Delimiter between records. Example: /FIELDS=CRLF
Special values: |
/HEADER=1 | Include fields names. |
/HEADER=0 | Do not include field names. |