There are two DLLs: MDB2XLS_D.DLL and MDB2XLS_D2007.DLL
The first DLL MDB2XLS_D.DLL supports MDB files only. It does not support Access 2007 format.
The second DLL MDB2XLS_D2007.DLL supports both MDB and ACCDB files, but it will work only if you have MS Office 2007 on your computer.
There are only two functions:
MDBtoXLS_Converter(HWND hwnd, int argc, char *argv[]);
It accepts three parameters.
The first "hwnd" must be NULL. It is not used.
The second "argc" must be equal to number of parameters.
The third "argv" contains parameters.
MDBtoXLS_ConverterStr(HWND hwnd, char *params);
It accepts two parameters.
The first "hwnd" must be NULL. It is not used.
The second "params" contains parameters which are delimited by #.
The functions return:
0 - success
1 - not recognized a source file
2 - not recognized a target folder or a target file
3 - cannot open source mdb file
Drive:\Path\FileName.mdb | Source MDB file |
Drive:\Path\Filename.xls | Target XLS file |
Drive:\Path\ | Target XLS folder |
/RECORDS=0 | Do not export records of the table. |
/OVERWRITE=1 | Overwrite existing file. (default) |
/OVERWRITE=0 | Do not overwrite existing file. (Append to existing file). |
/OVERWRITETABLE=1 | Overwrite existing tables. |
/OVERWRITETABLE=0 | Do not overwrite existing tables. |
/TYPE=ANY | Convert to XLS format, Excel 95-2003 |
/TYPE=2007 | Convert to XLSX format, Excel 2007 or later |
/PASSWORD=value | Password for source file. |
/HEADER=1 | Include field names in the output file |
/HEADER=0 | Do not include field names in the output file |
/ONLYNEW=1 | Include field names in the output file only for new sheets |
/ONLYNEW=0 | Include field names in the output file always according /HEADER=? option |
////////////////////// sample1.cpp //////////////////////////// //parameters in the command line // //sample1.exe source.mdb c:\target\ ... // #include <windows.h< #include <stdio.h> typedef int (APIENTRY *Converter)(HWND, UINT, CHAR**); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int retval; HMODULE h; Converter f; h = LoadLibrary("mdb2xls_d.dll"); if (!h) retval = 200; else { f = (Converter)GetProcAddress(h, "MDBtoXLS_Converter"); if (!f) retval = 300; else retval = f(NULL, argc, argv); } FreeLibrary(h); printf("ret = %d\n", retval); return retval; } // ////////////////////// sample1.cpp //////////////////////////// |
////////////////////// sample2.cpp //////////////////////////// //parameters in the source code // //sample2.exe // #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef int (APIENTRY *Converter)(HWND, UINT, CHAR**); int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int retval; HMODULE h; Converter f; int n=0; char *params[10]; params[n++]=strdup(__argv[0]); params[n++]=strdup("source.accdb"); params[n++]=strdup("c:\\tmp\\"); params[n++]=strdup("/type=2007"); params[n++]=strdup("/overwrite=0"); h = LoadLibrary("mdb2xls_d2007.dll"); if (!h) retval = 200; else { f = (Converter)GetProcAddress(h, "MDBtoXLS_Converter"); if (!f) retval = 300; else retval = f(NULL, n, params); } FreeLibrary(h); printf("ret = %d\n", retval); return retval; } // ////////////////////// sample2.cpp //////////////////////////// |