Command line usage CSV to DBF Converter

This topic describes how to use CSV to DBF Converter command line parameters
You can use them to specify actions, which must be performed by the program at launch.
Command line parameters allows you to launch CSV to DBF Converter from your own applications, command files, and so on.
Using command line can save you a lot of time, you can automatize everyday tasks and run them with a single click or by scheduler.

The basic syntax is:

csv2dbf.exe c:\tmp\source.csv -output=c:\tmp\ -batch  [other parameters]
csv2dbf.exe c:\tmp\source.csv -output=c:\tmp\ -silent [other parameters]
Source file, Output file or folder, and -batch or -silent parameters are mandatory.

-batch runs the app and displays a main window
-silent runs the app and does not display any windows.

We recommend to use -batch during tuning and testing and then replace it to -silent

The long command line does not look pretty.
Therefore the good solution is to put command line parameters to another file - one parameter per line and run converter as:

csv2dbf.exe @c:\tmp\params.ini
You can combine parameters in the file and in the command line.
You can use comments, just add ; in the beginning of a line

csv2dbf.exe c:\tmp\source.csv @c:\tmp\params.ini
;overwrite existing files
It is hard to remember all parameters, so we created a really great helper for you: Expert mode!

Just launch CSV to DBF Converter, select source file(s), the output file/folder, select necessary parameters, such as a field delimiter, code page, quotes etc.
Then click the button "Expert mode" and you will see how all your settings become command line parameters!

Moreover, this dialog allows you to save them as command .bat file, and a shortcut, and as .ini

If you did everything correct, you can run the converter by clicking on .bat or shortcut.

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